NODES™ facilitates trading of flexibility between system operators and flexibility service providers.

Our market platform, built on cutting-edge technology, provides a route to market for flexibility service providers looking to sell services to system operators.

> 3 TWh


> 6 GWh


> 8 000


A simple and transparent process to buy flexibility using NODES™ services.

Secure flexibility for future system challenges.

Use flexibility when you need it.

A simple process for offering flexibility to system operators.

Lock in revenue by making flexibility available over a longer period.

Get compensated for flexibility activated close to delivery.

Use Cases

Capacity Flex Arrangement (CFA)

Using Flexible Capacity Arrangements (FCAs), System Operators can offer available grid capacity to Operators of Wind, Solar and other Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) to avoid curtailments and increase the share of renewable energy in the grid. 

A virtual fuse contract

In winter, there is a challenge in cold climate areas between certain specific times when the load is high, and power peaks in the electricity grid can appear. The peak in the grid can cause high stress to the electricity network. By capping electricity consumption between certain specific times when the load is high, power peaks in the electricity grid can be reduced.

NODES™ demonstrates ease of market set-up using the UK Power Networks Open Data Portal

UK Power Networks has developed an Open Data Portal. This video demonstrates how easy it is to set up the NODES™ marketplace in the UKPN license area

sthlmflex: Market-based TSO-DSO coordination through regional flexibility market

Svenska kraftnät, Ellevio, and Vattenfall Eldistribution have launched sthlmflex to test a regional flexibility market in the Stockholm area to bridge the capacity gap that can be experienced during winter months.

FlexLab: Operating reservation contracts in the activation market

Operating reservation contracts in the activation market.

IntraFlex: Trading flexibility closer to real-time

Operating closer to real-time should allow new participants to access the markets whilst key features such as a day ahead information services, as well as an auto-rebalancing function to the intra-day market,

NorFlex: making local flexibility available to Transmission System Operator (TSO) – mFRR market

Enabling local flexibility available to Transmission System Operator (TSO) – mFRR market in Norway. A sequential market for TSO-DSO coordination.

Smart Senja: Managing growth in the fishing industry

Senja is sparsely populated, and reinforcing the grid is an expensive and lengthy process. NODES participate with NODES platform and market operator in the project.

Mitnetz: Renewable curtailment alternative

Instead of shutting down the windmills, the flexibility of a nearby industrial facility is activated to absorb the excess wind power.

Engene: Grid investment deferral

Å Energi (previously known as Agder Energi) and Microsoft teamed up to demonstrate how flexibility can be used to defer grid…


SecurEL Research Centre to Enhance Power Supply Security

Last week, FME SecurEL held its kick-off meeting to mark the start of the new research centre, which will run…

Fingrid (TSO) and Helen Sähköverkko (DSO) to buy flexibility on NODES

Fingrid and Helen Sähköverkko, the DSO in Helsinki, have completed the public procurement of the marketplace solution supplier for the…

NODES input to the ACER consultation on DR NC – Summary of main topics

ACER’s consultation on the Network Code on Demand Response closes by the end of the month.  NODES has engaged in…

Northern Powergrid announces milestone step in local energy independence

Northern Powergrid has announced a significant step in giving communities greater autonomy over their electricity supply, as part of a…

Fluvius and NODES to set up flexibility market in Flanders

Fluvius has selected NODES to operate a local flexibility market in Flanders, Belgium.

Euroflex strengthens the team

Norwegian DSO Lnett AS is the 8th grid company to join the Euroflex project – making a strong project even stronger. Lnett currently serves 164,000 customers in Stavanger, Sandnes and seven other municipalities in South Rogaland in Norway. With Lnett’s entry, Euroflex is approaching 30 partners, of which eight are grid companies, covering over two-thirds of Norway’s electricity customers.

Successful start for Euroflex

They were all there, the members of the Euroflex consortium, at the Euroflex kickoff at Popsenteret in Oslo on Tuesday 19 March. Six of Norway’s largest Distribution System Operators (DSOs), Statnett (TSO) and the Norwegian regulatory authority NVE-RME along with platform- and technology suppliers. The most important topics were the organisation, goal setting and implementation of Euroflex.

Effekthandel Väst: Maximum peak in electricity consumption reduced for the electricity grid during the winter

By capping electricity consumption between certain specific times when the load is high, power peaks in the electricity grid can be reduced. Therefore, the product “MaxUsageTM has been tested at Effekthandel Väst during the winter. The system has been tested for electric car charging and industries and has given good results in both Gothenburg and Mölndal.

Enova grants Euroflex 100 million NOK to make the power grid more efficient.

Seven of Norway’s largest grid companies are joining forces on a large-scale project to make better use of the power grid. Enova has now allocated NOK 100 million to the innovation project Euroflex, which has a financial framework of NOK 250 million.

Local and regional flexibility markets are continuing to pick up steam! 

Geir Magne Abusdal from Glitre Nett and Svein Jørgen Sønning form NODES shared learnings from Norway at Distributech in Orlando, flavored with examples from Richard Sarti, CEO at NODES and John Avdolous, CEO at Essex Power on how Essex Powerlines and NODES are establishing a DSO flexibility market in Ontario based on local and European experience.  

NODES AS and Plexigrid join hands to unlock flexibility for the electricity grid.

Lysaker, Norway – 28th November 2023 – NODES AS today announced a strategic partnership with Plexigrid to deliver innovative grid flexibility and market integration solutions for utilities.

NODES input to ENTSO-E and EU DSO Entity’s public consultation on a network code for demand response

As a market platform for trading decentralized flexibility, NODES has carefully followed the development of the network code for Demand Response, and will participate in the open consultation currently being conducted by ENTSO-E and the EU DSO Entity