Jämtkraft Elnät will buy flexibility on NODES next winter

NODES has won the procurement process to operate the flexibility market in the Jämtkraft Elnät area.  Jämtkraft Elnät are taking a proactive role to meeting the challenges that will be facing the local grid in the energy transition. Setting up a local market for flexibility will allow both producers and consumers of energy to get paid for providing flexibility to the electricity system.

NODES has experience from operating sthlmflex where the grid operators Vattenfal Eldistribution, Ellevio and E.On bought flexibility from local flexibility service providers, and from Effekthandel Väst where Göteborg Energi Nät and Mölndal Energi Nät did the same in their license areas.

Jämtkraft Elnät AB

Jämtkraft Elnät AB is an energy distribution system operator and is managing the electricity distribution system in the municipalities Östersund, Krokom and Åre in Sweden.


NODES is the independent marketplace for a sustainable energy future where grid owners, producers and consumers of energy can trade decentralised flexibility and energy. NODES, as an independent market operator, is addressing key trends and challenges in the energy system such as increased share of renewable power production, decentralised generation and the rapid change of the customer behaviour.