FRS Global Forum – Florence 28th March
Enno Böttcher, CEO of NODES presented at Florence School of Regulation’s Global Forum in Florence on 28. March 2019. -
Treffpunkt Netze ’19 in Berlin 27.03.19
Flexibility and electromobility are key aspects of the current discussion in Germany. Harald von Heyden, from Agder Energi, was invited to hold the keynote on the experience from Norway. He introduced NODES as enabler for flexibility from E-Mobility and presented the two use cases in Germany and Norway. -
NODES at APG Marktforum in Vienna 26th March
The APG Marktforum serves as a platform for regular and joint interaction between the Austrian national TSO, APG, and stakeholders from the Austrian and European energy sector. -
Strommarkttreffen, Berlin, 15th of March
Strommarkttreffen is an open and free-of-charge network of energy professionals in academia, policy, industry and nonprofits. They are interested in electricity markets, energy policy and power systems. -
Florence School of Regulation workshop, 14. – 15 of February
Edvard Lauen presented NODES at the Florence School of Regulation workshop, Florence, 14.- 15 of February. -
Azure IoT drives next-wave innovation in infrastructure and energy
Together with Microsoft, we have developed tools that will utilize today’s power grids and infrastructure in a smarter and more efficient way. -
E-world 5.-7. February 2019
NODES was represented at the Montel stand at E-world energy and water fair on 5.-7. February 2019. -
DistribuTECH, 5.-7. February 2019
Rune and Geir Magne from NODES represented NODES at Distributech 2019 in New Orleans, USA 5. – 7. February 2019. -
Troms Kraft receives Enova funding – NODES is a proud partner
Troms Kraft was granted 38,7 MNOK from Enova for its large-scale demonstrator project at Senja. -
NORFLEX receives Enova funding – NODES is a proud partner
Agder Energi lead project Norflex was granted 22 MNOK from Enova. Enova announced the grant at the Enova Conference in Trondheim, Norway. A total of 210 MNOK was granted to eight large scale demonstrator projects. -
NODES embraces guiding principles published by dena
NODES embraces the guiding principles for facilitating the use of flexibility in the electricity grid which have been published by the German Energy Agency dena on the 24th of January in the context of the “Netzflex” initiative. -
Handelsblatt Energie-Gipfel 2019
Benedikt Deuchert presented NODES at Handelsblatt Energie-Gipfel, 22.-24 of January 2019.