Together with Microsoft, we have developed tools that will utilize today’s power grids and infrastructure in a smarter and more efficient way.
Partners Solutions at DistribuTECH
Agder Energi, Nodes, and Enfo facilitate DER participation in the energy market
“Agder Energi, a Norwegian electric utility, is using Azure Digital Twins to identify ways to operate its electrical grid more efficiently through distributed energy resources, device controls, and predictive forecasting – thus avoiding costly and time consuming energy upgrades.
NODES, a new company created by Agder Energi and Nord Pool, Europe’s leading power market, connects local and central power markets to an integrated market. It is a fully automated marketplace capable of real-time trading of available flexibility in the market with transparent prices in an open, integrated market place available to all flexibility providers and grid operators. The NODES-platform leverages the new energy optimization capability in Azure to trade local flexibility in a closed loop, real-time.
Enfo, a subsidiary of Agder Energi, has developed Flex tool, a full-service platform for energy flexibility providers, traders, aggregators, and power companies that aim to participate in the flexibility markets. The platform is running on Azure and is using Azure IoT services to forecast and optimize connecting flexible assets to the power system.”
Read the blog post from Microsoft here.