NODES input to ENTSO-E and EU DSO Entity’s public consultation on a network code for demand response
As a market platform for trading decentralized flexibility, NODES has carefully followed the development of the network code for Demand Response, and will participate in the open consultation currently being conducted by ENTSO-E and the EU DSO Entity -
REA Energy Transition Readiness Index 2022
NODES and the NorFlex project feature prominently in the REA Energy Transition Readiness Index 2022. The Association for Renewable Energy… -
Montel Weekly Podcast: Fear of Gaming
Montel Weekly is a podcast dedicated to energy news from markets in Europe and beyond. Every week Montel invite key industry experts to share insights and to discuss latest developments. -
Fear of gaming should not be a barrier for market based redispatch in the distribution grid!
Implementing EU’s Clean Energy Package in Germany has caused debate! The concerns about market-based redispatch and the inherent risk of inc-dec bidding cannot be ignored. NODES has asked DNV GL to look into the issue. -
E-Bridge, Pöyry and NODES issue position paper on market-based redispatch for Germany
E-Bridge, Pöyry and NODES issued a position paper on market-based redispatch in Germany. -
NODES market design in CEER consultation paper
CEER has issued a consultation paper where NODES market design is highlighted: -
NODES embraces guiding principles published by dena
NODES embraces the guiding principles for facilitating the use of flexibility in the electricity grid which have been published by the German Energy Agency dena on the 24th of January in the context of the “Netzflex” initiative.