Effekthandel Väst: Maximum peak in electricity consumption reduced for the electricity grid during the winter
By capping electricity consumption between certain specific times when the load is high, power peaks in the electricity grid can be reduced. Therefore, the product “MaxUsageTM has been tested at Effekthandel Väst during the winter. The system has been tested for electric car charging and industries and has given good results in both Gothenburg and Mölndal. -
JRC report on Local Electricity Flexibility Markets in Europe
EU’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) has published a report reviewing some of the main projects on developing flexibility markets in Europe. NODES (as an independent market operator) operates, verify and settles transactions in three of the projects/markets analysed. -
Paving the way for flexibility
As we continue to develop and understand the challenges surrounding the transition towards a new sustainable energy future, NODES has been applying its market design to various projects across Europe. -
Fear of gaming should not be a barrier for market based redispatch in the distribution grid!
Implementing EU’s Clean Energy Package in Germany has caused debate! The concerns about market-based redispatch and the inherent risk of inc-dec bidding cannot be ignored. NODES has asked DNV GL to look into the issue. -
Flexing it – Montel Weekly podcast from E-World 2020 featuring NODES’ Richard Sarti
Europe is set to fully decarbonise its energy system by 2050, with a huge impact on the way electricity is produced and consumed. This week’s pod takes a peek into the brave new energy world, and discusses flexibility, aggregation and the future of trading. -
E-Bridge, Pöyry and NODES issue position paper on market-based redispatch for Germany
E-Bridge, Pöyry and NODES issued a position paper on market-based redispatch in Germany. -
NODES market design in CEER consultation paper
CEER has issued a consultation paper where NODES market design is highlighted: -
Press release
NODES unveils innovative market design for energy flexibility trading -
White Paper
White paper – NODES Market to be downloaded here -
EnerWE -interview with Edvard Lauen
EnerWE interviews Edvard Lauen about NODES ambitions (in Norwegian)