KMD to support increased use of green energy with flexibility in the electricity grid through partnership agreement with NODES
With a new partnership agreement, KMD and Norwegian NODES are going to provide a technological platform in Denmark that will allow large consumers of energy to contribute to a better balancing of the grid. -
EUniversal – NODES proud partner in demonstrations in Portugal, Germany and Poland
The EUniversal project, funded by the European Union, aims to develop a universal approach on the use of flexibility by Distribution System Operators (DSO) and their interaction with the new flexibility markets, enabled through the development of the concept of the Universal Market Enabling Interface (UMEI) – a unique approach to foster interoperability across Europe. -
NODES is excited to be operating the new marketplace – sthlmflex
NODES is excited to be operating the new marketplace in the Stockholm region, under the sthlmflex project. -
IntraFlex webinar 24.11.20
Please join us for the next IntraFlex Webinar on: November 24 from 10 am – 11 am. -
Paving the way for flexibility
As we continue to develop and understand the challenges surrounding the transition towards a new sustainable energy future, NODES has been applying its market design to various projects across Europe. -
Flexibility project reaches successful milestone – IntraFlex
An ongoing power flexibility trial led by Western Power Distribution is demonstrating that flexibility can be bought and sold in a continuous short-term market. Over the past two months more than 50MW of flexibility services has been procured across 241 trades on NODES ShortFlex market. -
Vattenfall Eldistribution contributes to solving the capacity challenge in the Stockholm region
Vattenfall Eldistribution, who owns and operate the regional grid around Stockholm, will issue an Invitation to Tender (ITT) for flexibility in the Stockholm region as part of the sthlmflex project. -
SPARC 2020 – 15th September 2020
Hallstein Hagen from NODES presented the NODES journey at the SPARC 2020 online event on 15th September 2020. -
True Energy’s local battery solution approved for automatic trading on NODES
Delivering flexibility to electricity grid owners becomes even easier thanks to the close integration between NODESmarket platform and True Energy’s “Local Battery” solution. -
Enfo signs up to NODES new partnership program – NODESconnect
NODES has launched its new technology partner program, NODESconnect, to encourage collaboration in creating local sustainable flexibility markets in the energy sector. ENFO AS, a leading Norwegian technology company, provides flextools and other services that enables aggregators and energy suppliers to connect to NODES and existing TSO markets. -
Enfo Flexibility Webinar 2020
NODES was in good company with Enfo, THEMA Consulting Group, Statnett and Troms Kraft Nett, when Hallstein Hagen presented the NODES’ Journey at Enfo’ Flexibility Webinar 2020 on Tuesday 23.6.2020. -
EDF signs up to the WPD IntraFlex project
NODES is pleased to welcome EDF as the latest participate to sign up to the NODES Flexibility market in order to participate in WPDs Intraflex Project.