Use Cases

  • Capacity Flex Arrangement (CFA)

    Using Flexible Capacity Arrangements (FCAs), System Operators can offer available grid capacity to Operators of Wind, Solar and other Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) to avoid curtailments and increase the share of renewable energy in the grid. 
  • IntraFlex: Trading flexibility closer to real-time

    Operating closer to real-time should allow new participants to access the markets whilst key features such as a day ahead information services, as well as an auto-rebalancing function to the intra-day market,
  • Smart Senja: Managing growth in the fishing industry

    Senja is sparsely populated, and reinforcing the grid is an expensive and lengthy process. NODES participate with NODES platform and market operator in the project.
  • Mitnetz: Renewable curtailment alternative

    Instead of shutting down the windmills, the flexibility of a nearby industrial facility is activated to absorb the excess wind power.