
Effekthandel Väst: Maximum peak in electricity consumption reduced for the electricity grid during the winter

The original post is available here (in Swedish).

by Mölndal Energi Nät

By capping electricity consumption between certain specific times when the load is high, power peaks in the electricity grid can be reduced. Therefore, the product MaxUsageTM has been tested at Effekthandel Väst during the winter. The system has been tested for electric car charging and industries and has given good results in both Gothenburg and Mölndal.

Effekthandel Väst is a local flexibility market where Göteborg Energi Nät and Mölndal Energi Nät buy flexibility from electricity grid-connected business customers or so-called aggregators that make it possible for smaller electricity users to collectively offer their flexibility. MaxUsageTM means that the supplier sets a maximum ceiling on its electricity consumption in the long term. This suits flexibility providers who want to adapt their power consumption in advance and in doing so reduce the administration around trading on the marketplace.

At Renova, for example, a power limitation of 75 kW was set between 7:00 and 10:00 every weekday in January. This can be compared with a historical consumption in these hours of 300 kW.

– At our sorting facilities Högsbo and Skräppekärr, we run fairly electricity-intensive crushers that start in the morning. When we in discussions with Göteborg Energi established that the critical time for the electricity grid is between 06:00-10:00, we saw that there were no major problems in delaying the start of the crushers. For us, it is obvious to be involved as a participant on Effekthandel Väst and contribute to the transition in all ways we can. By practicing MaxUsageTM, we can concretely counteract power peaks in the electricity grid and at the same time earn a few kroner.

says Pontus Gimfalk, electricity manager at Renova Miljö AB.

MaxUsageTM was developed so that more people could participate in the market and above all with electric car charging in mind. This is something tested at GoCo Health Innovation City and their workplace parking which is managed by Vattenfall InCharge. There, they have limited the charging effect between 08:00 and 12:00 on weekdays.

– We at GoCo Health Innovation City are working with a city development that in itself requires increased power withdrawal from the local electricity grid and therefore want to do what we can to minimize this. This new function means a temporary reduction by half of the power output for connected electric cars for a few hours in the morning on the coldest days of the year but should not affect the driver who anyway charges an entire day. This currently means no major income for us, but we can all do our part to not strain the electricity grid more than necessary.

says Niklas Angestedt, Real Estate Manager at GoCo Health Innovation City.

– I am very happy that we are seeing these results, which show that the product fulfills a purpose and that it is possible to contribute with flexibility in several different ways. We truly see potential in scaling up. In addition, it is great that there is a lot of interest, both from potential flexibility providers and industry colleagues.

says Therese Caesar, flexibility manager at Göteborg Energi Nät.

Also, Fredrik Lundmark, CEO of Mölndal Energi Nät concludes that MaxUsageTM has been successful during the winter.

– Trading in power is certainly broader than MaxUsageTM, but thanks to the experience and knowledge we have of our electricity grid, we have still hit the right spot. It helped us, among other things, to lower the load when we had a new record peak in power withdrawal from the regional grid in January, he says.

Facts about Effekthandel Väst

  • Effekthandel Väst is a local flexibility market where Göteborg Energi Nät AB (GENAB) and Mölndal Energi Nät (MENAB) buy power capacity from grid-connected business customers or so-called aggregators.
  • Trading takes place in collaboration with NODES, an independent market operator, on NODES marketplace.
  • Companies or aggregators sell power by temporarily reducing their electricity use, alternatively increasing their electricity production or transferring electricity from batteries to reduce the load on the electricity grid. Electricity grid owners buy the power to protect the grid when the load is expected to be heavy.
  • The market is open from 1 December to 31 March.

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