Effekthandel Väst

Effekthandel Väst is a local market in the Gothenburg region, where Göteborg Energi Nät and Mölndal Energi Nät buy flexibility services as reservation and activation products. 

During winter 2023/24 Göteborg Energi Nät and Mölndal Energi Nät are buying flexibility on NODES market platform:

  • Hourly products on a day ahead and intraday basis in the ShortFlex™ market;
  • On certain days, the network operators will call for a Max Usage contract.
  • Seasonal availability products, that consist both of an activation and an availability price, through a LongFlex™ tender.

Follow the steps below to participate as an FSP in the Effekthandel Väst market.

  • Discuss baselines and meter data with GENAB/MENAB, to determine whether the FSP will use the NODES’ standard baseline or calculate its own.
  • Determine whether the FSP will rely on meter data from GENAB/MENAB’s meters or submit meter data from the FSP’s own sub-meters.
  • Register your Flexibility Service Provider (FSP) organization on the NODES™ Platform
  • Accept NODES Rulebook , including the Market Specific Schedule for Effekthandel Väst, by signing NODES Membership Agreement.
  • Further details of the steps FSPs need to take to participate can be found here.
  • A summary of the market specific rules that apply to Effekthandel Väst can be found here (in Swedish).
  • The Rules that apply to LongFlex™ purchases can be found here.

Market Overview

A summary of key information on the market

Market Opens

1st of December 2023

FSP sign-up deadline

Continous on-boarding of FSPs

Available Products



Max Usage

Trading details

A summary of grid needs and minimum bid size

Grid need

Demand turn-down, Generation turn-up

Minimum quantity

0.5 MW (50 kW)*

*may be delivered by aggregated assets

Quantity granularity

0.001 MW (1 kW)

Gate closure time

2 hours before physical delivery