A novel smart grid architecture that facilitates high RES penetration through innovative markets towards efficient interaction between advanced electricity grid management and intelligent stakeholders

Within the EU-funded FlexGrid project the consortium partners developed an Automated Trading Platform (ATP) that integrates three tools tailored to the needs of the main market participants, ie. Distribution and Transmission System Operators (DSOs/TSOs), Energy Service Providers (ESPs), Aggregators, as well as Flexibility Market Operators (FMOs). Each tool is developed according to the specific needs of the targeted stakeholder group to provide a wide range of services related to energy and flexibility markets as well as ancillary services:

- The Automatic Flexibility Aggregation Toolkit is designed to support the aggregator in terms of its asset portfolio and portfolio optimization activities related to offer creation and allocation in the flexibility market.
- The Flexibility Supply Toolkit (FST) offers ESPs the service to minimize their operational and capital expenditures while maximizing the stacked revenue through optimized allocation of offers in the market with the highest profit probability.
- The Flexibility Market Clearing Tool (FMCT) uses advanced market clearing algorithms considering the grid constraints and thus enabling the FMO to clear the market most effectively in terms of price, sensitivity and social welfare, and the DSO to select the most appropriate flexibility offer to solve the constraints in its grid.
The ATP as a product is a modular design so each tool can be used (or contracted) separately. Nevertheless, using the ATP services as a whole allows for effective interaction and data exchange between the stakeholders and may thus serve to optimize the daily operational routine and responsibilities of each stakeholder and to increase their financial revenues. Ultimately, the dynamic interaction between all stakeholders via one ATP ideally facilitates the finding of optimal solutions for the system and each associated client.
NODES provided the perspective of the FMO discussing the different approaches, market rules and market clearing algorithms as well as relation to other markets and shared insights from several projects across Europe.