The EUniversal project (https://euniversal.eu/), funded by the European Union, aims to develop a universal approach on the use of flexibility by Distribution System Operators (DSOs) and their interaction with the new flexibility markets, enabled through (1) the development of a smart grid analysis DSO tool box, (2) advanced aggregation algorithms and (3) the concept of the Universal Market Enabling Interface (UMEI) – a unique approach to foster interoperability across Europe (Figure 1).

Being the market operator in all EUniversal test locations, NODES led the development of the UMEI in collaboration with E-REDES, N-SIDE and Centrica according to the their specific market roles. The UMEI is based on an agnostic, adaptable, and modular combination of different APIs to enable DSOs and Flexibility Service Providers (FSPs) to connect to multiple flexibility market platforms while limiting system integration efforts and costs.
The combination of the DSO tool box in the DSO system management together with the market environment form the flexibility value chain from congestion detection to market-based flexibility procurement.
NODES flexibility market within the EUniversal flexibility value chain is tested in three locations across Europe, ie. Portugal, Germany and Poland, ensuring compatibility with each country-specific regulatory framework.
The EUniversal booklet outlines the main results.