
Finding Value in Local Energy Markets

Powerconsumer Inc. (Canada) and NODES are running a project with two Local Distribution Companies in Ontario, Newmarket-Tay Power Distribution and Elexicon Energy, to demonstrate the benefits of Local Energy Markets (LEMs) for utilities of the future. A LEM enables dispatch for distribution system capacity and operating flexibility services to support the safe, reliable, resilient, and efficient operation of the distribution system. This project will estimate the potential for LEMS by simulating how Distribution System Operators can plan and invest to integrate local/distributed energy resources.

The project aims to inform a business case for investment by local distribution companies, and to validate a strategic roadmap and blueprint for scalability of the local energy market concept across Ontario and elsewhere.

“Finding Value in Local Energy Markets” is made possible through the financial support of the Independent Electricity System Operator’s Grid Innovation Fund.

Link to newswire, collaboration announcement