March 2019

  • FRS Global Forum – Florence 28th March

    Enno Böttcher, CEO of NODES presented at Florence School of Regulation’s Global Forum in Florence on 28. March 2019.
  • Treffpunkt Netze ’19 in Berlin 27.03.19

    Flexibility and electromobility are key aspects of the current discussion in Germany. Harald von Heyden, from Agder Energi, was invited to hold the keynote on the experience from Norway. He introduced NODES as enabler for flexibility from E-Mobility and presented the two use cases in Germany and Norway.
  • NODES at APG Marktforum in Vienna 26th March

    The APG Marktforum serves as a platform for regular and joint interaction between the Austrian national TSO, APG, and stakeholders from the Austrian and European energy sector.
  • Strommarkttreffen, Berlin, 15th of March

    Strommarkttreffen is an open and free-of-charge network of energy professionals in academia, policy, industry and nonprofits. They are interested in electricity markets, energy policy and power systems.